
CheckIpLocation.com provides an easy way for users to search the geolocation of IP addresses. It uses a database of IP addresses that are associated to cities along with other relevant information like time zone, latitude and longitude.

You can use our site to check if your proxy is working or if you know someone else's ip, you can check just where in the world they are located in, or you can just see what info about you the websites can see.

Please help support our advertisers since they help make sure our service remains free to use for everyone and of course donations are always welcome.

Searching, please wait...

Server returned {{error}}

IP database date:
IP {{record.ip}}
Country {{record.country_name}}
Region {{record.region_name}}
City {{record.city}}
Zip/Postal code {{record.zip_code}}
Lat/Long {{record.latitude}}, {{record.longitude}}
Metro code {{record.metro_code||''}}
Time zone {{record.time_zone}}


checkiplocation.com is community funded, therefore consider donating if you use and like it.